Roses Pink, Crysantimum yellow, green, pink, Gypso, greenery
in Green Wrapping with rafia ribbon hand bouquet
Lilly White, roses red, roses white, roses pink, rose yellow, Crysantimum White,
Greenery red and cream color wrapping hand bouquet
*Lilly White, Roses red, Crysantimum white, Gypso, greenery
in red and Pink wrapping with rafia ribbon hand bouquet
Lilly Pink, Roses fuchsia, white, Crysantimum white, Green, Gypso,
And greenery with pink wrapping hand bouquet
Lilly White, Roses red, Carnation Red, Crysantimum white, Gypso, greenery
in red and white wrapping with rafia ribbon hand bouquet
*Lilly White, Roses red,yellow, Crysantimum yellow, green, white, Gypso, greenery
in Pink wrapping with rafia ribbon hand bouquet
*12 Pcs. Red Roses with Gypso, Greenery in black wrapping and red ribbon hand bouquet
Lilly White, Roses pink, red, fusha, Crysantimum white, yellow, Gypso, Greenery in grey wrapping with rafia ribbon hand bouquet
Lilly White, Roses pink, gypso and greenery with pink color wrapping hand bouquet
*Lilly pink, Roses pink, greenery with pink color wrapping hand bouquet
Roses Peach, wax flowers Bridal Bouquet