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Ideas to integrate indoor plants Dubai in the decoration: its advantages and season maintenance tips for the beginners!

  • Do you love to integrate indoor plants in the decoration?
  • You have indoor plants, but don’t know how to take good care of them?
  • Do you want to know the advantages of integrating indoor plants?
  • What plants can you integrate into your indoor decoration?

If these questions have been bothering you, you are in the right place. Today, we will discuss some essential aspects regarding indoor plants, such as integration in indoor decoration, its benefits, indoor plant maintenance, actual indoor plants, etc. However, to get premium-quality indoor plants, maintenance, and installation service at affordable prices, you must select the best online Indoor plant supplier in Dubai.

We are aware of plants’ value since they are capable of ‘lifting’ an anodyne environment, giving a touch of joy to any corner, purifying the air so that we live better. But, it is necessary to know how to place them, where to place them, and in what container.

Reasons to have indoor plants: advantages –

Here, we bring you the top eight benefits of integrating indoor plants in the house. And remember not to forget selecting the best indoor plants Abu Dhabi supplier only.

  • They help you relax – All you need is flowers with purple petals, such as violets. The color is soothing and helps to lower the body’s adrenaline doses. As a result, energy levels rise, and the brain receives more oxygen, helping to relax.
  • They are natural humidifiers – Instead of using a mechanical humidifier, place some ferns around the house. During perspiration, droplets of water hydrate the air of the environment.
  • Have healing powers – Aloe Vera, the “plant of immortality,” is used to cure various diseases. Nowadays, it is common to see people using the gel that the plant releases on sunburn and other wounds to relieve pain.
  • Inspire creativity – If you are hit by a creative block one day, go to a place with lots of green. Colorful leaves inspire and energize what’s around – including you. The color of the plants influences interior design. 
  • Minimize allergies – If you have allergic attacks frequently, put some Chlorophyte around the house. The leaves of this plant absorb allergenic particles, such as dust, and in a short time, this species can eliminate most of the toxins from the environment.
  • Clean the air – If you want a cleaner and better environment to breathe, bet on the ivy species. These plants filter the air because it is the one that best absorbs formaldehyde.
  • Provide energy – The color red is very stimulating, increases appetite. Please leave it in the bathroom so that it stimulates you while getting ready to leave the house.
  • Calm your eyes – Many people believe that all you have to do is look at a plant when your eyes are irritated or tired. The good thing is to choose the boa plant.

Indoor plant care tips: for summer –

During the summer, plants tend to lose water more quickly. Therefore, spraying water directly on the leaves can help those better resist temperature changes. The heat usually makes the land much drier. Slowly pour the water into the vase. It ensures that the liquid is absorbed by the earth and used by the plant. It is worth remembering that with the change of season, the positioning of the sun also changes.

It is necessary to move the pots and prevent them from being neither in the dark nor under the sun. One trick that can help you make them last the whole week is to remove the leaves on the flower’s stem carefully. In general, this foliage lasts less than the peaks themselves, leaving the water cloudy and decreasing your arrangement’s survival.

Consult with the best indoor plant suppliers UAE and install the indoor plant that best suits your needs and décor.

If you are going to start your garden in the summer, it is worth thinking about which plants will be chosen. Some species do much better with heat than others. Good options are butterfly orchids, bromeliads, succulents, girl’s fingers, etc.

Indoor plant care tips: for winter –

Like people, plants also feel climate change “on their skin.” The arrival of cold days calls for specific care and extra attention so that your garden grows healthy and remains full of life during the winter. It is necessary to remember a difference in lighting, and the plants end up receiving less light. The first thing to be aware of is how natural light changes inside the house. You will need to push the plants closer to the light source for them to stay well.

The maintenance pruning is also more than welcome at this time. Removing dead leaves and branches will prolong the plants’ lives and make all the difference for the rest of the year. As with the irrigation routine, fertilization needs to be revised during the coldest days. The drop in temperatures also implies changes in the irrigation routine. As the plants have reduced metabolic activity, this water is not used for metabolic and photosynthetic processes and is pooled in the root region. In winter, plants do not produce as much energy. It is a perfect time for pruning.

Call the Indoor plant maintenance services UAE and get more practical tips.

Primary care of the plants –

Watering the plants may seem easy, but you need to pay attention to each species’ characteristics. So, to keep plants conserved and radiant, several steps are necessary: ​​one of them is irrigation. It seems like a simple task, but it requires some care. The soil and the type of pot are also important when watering. Plants in enameled ceramic or plastic pots need smaller amounts of water than plants in clay pots.

Another tip that applies to most species is careful not to soak the plant’s root, as it can rot or acquire fungi. To prevent water from accumulating in the container, observe whether the water drains from the pot’s bottom. Having a greater or lesser need for exposure to light also interferes with the amount of water. We hope these tips will be helpful for you for integrating indoor plants in your house. Call indoor plant installation / UAE services now to facilitate this process.

Conclusion: Practical issues and suggestions –

It is convenient not to overlook some practical questions, such as the amount of light (temperature) that each room receives, the ideal container, its external appearance and its dimensions, the purpose of the indoor plant, etc. Take advantage of these majestic Indoor plants Dubai, which exceed three feet. They are good options in living rooms, as they act as living sculptures, adding an artistic natural brushstroke. The color of the plants influences interior design.

Do not forget to ventilate well every morning. In the study or work corner, the plants will help you give a touch of life and energy, thanks to the contrast in that neat and visually ‘clean’ atmosphere. If you are going to place several plants in an environment, look for the whole to have rhythm and be harmonious, combining plants with different leaves and colors. Variety is the key. You can place them on your desk, on the kitchen shelves, on the small table next to the sofa, etc.

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